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Exercise 01: Inventory

Inventory - Windows

1) Add your Windows server to inventory/servers.inventory and update [windows:vars] with connection details, like username, connection method etc.

hint: Connecting to a Windows Host ansible_host= might be necessary if DNS is not configured in the network.

2) Use the win_ping module to verify that a connection can be made to the server.


ansible [host_group_name_in_inventory_file] -i inventory/servers.inventory -m win_ping

Inventory - Linux

1) add your Linux server to inventory/servers.inventory and update [zookeepers:vars] with connection details, like username, connection method etc.

2) Generate SSH keypair on the Ansible controller machine.

hint: link

3) Transfer the SSH public-key to the Linux machine.

4) Use the ping module to verify that a connection can be made to the server.


ansible [host_group_name_in_inventory_file] -i inventory/servers.inventory -m ping